“Veterans For Peace eNews: Resist the War Industry!” … and a Response to Those Who Feel We Must Eliminate War (Realize Peace) through War

What if Ukraine had peacefully laid down their arms and “migrated” (which they had to do anyway) and “surrendered” (which some did anyway), died and been tortured & raped (which many have anyway) and then took the long road of negotiation, diplomacy, arbitration, politicking, learning, preaching, goal-setting/strategically planning/taking action toward quality life as an ecological community, “living/existing” toward a better Russia/Ukraine/Eaarth for the very long term.  Would there have been less loss of: Ukrainian & Russian lives, built environment & infrastructure, dynamic homeostatic symbioses/”nature?”  I think so.  But we’ll never know, will we?  (And of course this long road of negotiation, arbitration, politicking, learning, preaching, goal-setting/strategically planning/taking action toward quality life as an ecological community, “living/existing” toward a better Russia/Ukraine/Eaarth for the very long term  … has to be taken anyway  … at least for now!)
I’ve been called (including recently) … irrational, illogical, a fool, Don Quixote, an idiot, a bleeding-heart-liberal, … even “toxic” & an asshole.  …  “Bless me Father, for I have sinned.  I confess to all of these!!!!!!”
Nevertheless, I think a pacifist process, a christian approach, the way of Jesus of Nazareth et al. would be the only rational & decent one.  War begets War.  Arms, armaments, military/soldiers kill!  It’s high time for systematic system change!  Real change.  (Let’s do something!  Join Veterans For Peace!  Help mount big international protests against War and guns and soldiers.  Etc., etc., etc.  … I’m sick & tired of “this … including my own de facto lack of action!)
…  And since I am an asshole, I think that those who have called me irrational, illogical, a fool, an idiot, and toxic, should look in the mirror, and reflect on their own toxic actions, or de facto self-imposed ignorance, complacency, and inaction.
paul/paul bain/dad/grandpa (Don Quixote)
7 S’s / VV->^^

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