comfortable complacency vs. agitated activism

mundane things were in the plans for this last day of 2022

(by this relatively comfortable not overly-intelligent, sort of lazy white guy

who over 76 years eased himself into a doctoral degree

and relatively cush livelihoods and some relatively significant power on this Eaarth)

1. work on an irs nag

(irs is threatening to penalize me

if i don’t adequately respond to their requests by the first week in january

[in the 55+ years required to do so

i have mostly done my own tax paperwork & filing

and contrary to what maga-admired “silver-spoon-in-his-mouth,” “wall-‘em-out” trump does

i always give the u.s.  government the benefit of the doubt

even though much of my tax goes to the military-industrial machine of which i disapprove])


2.  a planned bicycle ride and then a swim

(seventy-six years old?  gotta get the exercise … regularly)


3.  and I have obligated myself to work a new year’s eve wedding at the silver center

(for which my beautiful betsy is on the board)


o but readings early this morn, and tv news, of the plight of immigrants on our texas border

o this morning’s boob tube displays of the wealth of people of this nation

o and trivial (and exploitive … and definitely not trivial) pursuits of this estados unidos

(four percent of the world’s population consuming 24 percent of  Eaarth’s resources)  

o these Holy days; the news of benedict-of-the-(wealthy) vatican’s death

o and news from another desperately poor central-american young friend

of her difficult trek from nicaragua (not yet completed) to reagan’s shining city on the hill

(the rich dreamland on this Eaarth, … historically land-grabbing & genocidal; of slavery & exploitive neoliberal capitalism, reagan’s “wonderful” trickle-down economics, and george w. & obama et al.’s militarism)

the “shining jewel of a nation” which from the early 1900s employed its powerful military

to invade/intervene in/exploit Yoseling Cordonero’s dear nicaragua

the intervention was thoroughly done militarily and economically

with marines, large corporations, and puppet-dictators

(and then reagan’s toxic contras of the 1980s)


Yoseling left her home in chilamatillo community, tipitata, managua department this month

a few days before the celebrated birth of the mythically holy jesus of nazareth

a birth which was supposedly part of the reason christians (and perhaps some Christians)

are holy, sharing and caring, …

and live sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, and sustainably


(this all) started my head pinging about the hypocrically immoral & unethical Christians, including yours truly, in this nation of the u.s. of a.



WHY?? …

from Christians in the u.s.a. …

prayer, satisfaction, complacency, apathy, and smug arrogance


from what should be “positively ethical applied community ecologists/PEACE-makers” …

real systematic system change toward socio-ecological justice & caring in a humble ethos of “Less Is More”

and sharing toward equity–locally & globally


7 S’s / >^^

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