Why are we not locally & globally abiding by the universal golden rule and working perseveringly, persistently, comprehensively & profoundly in a solidarity of truly sharing and caring toward equity???
Why do we not have “positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE” education across campuses & curricula of all human organizational entities (churches, clubs, businesses, bureaucracies, etc.)?? Can we not begin to understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Precautionary Principle, and that “Less Is More?”
Why are we so apathical and complacent about realizing the above? Why do we mostly just hope and pray … and/or continue to numbly, ignorantly, mindlessly, carelessly, rampantly consume/artificialize/destroy? Why are we not critically thinking and acting? Why are we not morally & ethically strategic?
Can we not systematicly (“millingly”) change this Eaarth of neoliberal capitalism and militarism, and War (against “races”, ethnicity, sexual persuasions, those who are different, …, each other) and socio-ecological destruction … to a neo-Earth of PEACE and quality life for all???
7 S’s / VV->^^