“Poetic” Endeavor Toward Profound Holism and Achieving Quality Life for All. (Trying to Communicate with Dear Family & Friends et al. within Overwhelming Doctrine From Birth & Subsequent Chaotic Information from Electronic News … Misinformation, Disinformation, Untruths, …)

on an Eaarth of much prejudice

i have benefited as an anglo, a u. s. citizen, a heterosexual male

born healthy into a middle-class family

from being a recipient of a Texas A&M University Opportunity Award Scholarship

based in part on need

and from the GI Bill

and as a capitalistic ecosocialist …

i am not … xenophobic or generally phobic otherwise, a patriot or a nationalist

catholic … but by most standards, i am not religious!

i simply, quite simply … strongly feel we need to all strive for a world with more climax ecological communities

communities in a dynamic homeostatic symbioses

a nature which includes caring and sharing humans

with small ecological footprints and sustainable livelihoods

mostly working to achieve socio-ecological justice


the goal should be climax* ecological communities

(including fire climax ecological communities)

ecological communities which by the way are never set in concrete

many are in stages of very dynamic succession*

and there should be many ecotones and effects from edges


you must start here … with this goal of climax ecological community

in central texas blackland prairie, for example, such a climax ecological community

might consist of great soil cover with little & big bluestem, indian grass, eastern grama, switch grass, and additional various vegetation- and other biotic-types

including american bison (or exotic domesticated cattle managed to “behave” more like bison populations*)

but also with grasshoppers, and many other herbivores including birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, segmented and roundworms, .. other arthropods … and a diversity of others up the trophic levels and in the food webs

(moreover, the goal of climax biota in dynamic homeostatic symbioses* can not preclude lower successional species like wildflowers and amaranthus and lambsquarters, etc.)


a climax ecological community in concert with

a good soil of seven percent organic matter (texas blacklands) rich with a good diversity of deep roots, microbes, mesofauna, and mycorrhizae

excellent water infiltration capacity and water-holding capacity

including a healthy protection from vegetation in various processes of being biotically recycled

and of great net primary productivity

this should be a goal and a strategy


therefore, start with a goal in your whole(s) and develop a strategic plan under guidelines … in this example of texas blackland prairie where there are currently many holes … and monitor well, analyze and evaluate, and replan after critical thinking, decison-making, and cautious collective actions in solidarity toward meeting maslow’s needs for all

in this time of 2023+ and a texas blackland prairie including many humans with maslow’s needs dependent on it …

seriously consider working with wes jackson’s and the land institute’s perennial grains*, legumes, and oilseed crops in a sustainable local community (milling around) approach

and with honeybees and dandelions and sheep and goats and poultry and even the porcine species

and easy to grow vegetables and herbs

even though they are invasive species!


impossible you say!

with eight billion humans on Eaarth* going on ten

and one percent having more power

(“horsepower/watts/BTUs, joules, or calories over a time period”)

than the poorest fifty percent* …

and seeking even more power


impossible you say!

with a destructive u.s. global-military, u.s. super-overproduction of arms for the globe … feeding War machines and War

with neoliberal capitalism … and entrepreneurial businesspeople, rather than sustainable livelihoods

with conspicuous consumption running rampant

with high-input/-throughput systems

with cars/big not-needed pick ’em up trucks/”monstrous” campers and planes and cruise ships as transportation

with humongous mcmansions and personal swimming pools

with a global over-abundance of exotic foods

with manicured, heavily-fertilized, -watered, and -biocided golf courses and large domed playing fields of plastic turf

with such a fossil-plastic economy overwhelming nature’s economy

(and yes!

despite the rhetoric and propaganda of pro-growthers,

and some neoliberal capitalistic pseudo-ecologists

what we are in is basically a zero-sum game; if artificial gains, “Natural Nature” loses)


a goal of climax ecological community is impossible to communicate about and discuss … you say

because of the noise of so much information, untruths, misinformation, disinformation, negative propaganda

from the news media and other ubiquitous electronic inputs to all the senses and more

which does not lead to a collective learning in solidarity of “positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE”

which does not lead to knowledge, wisdom, prudence, critical thinking and decision-making

(largely because of out-of-control consumerism, neoliberal capitalism

and war… war … war … … War … War … War …

and little time to individually & collectively think … unless it is a toxic groupthink)


impossible?  perhaps???

nevertheless, “one small thing” as a start for sustainability is: “less is more*” toward reaching climax ecological communities


(an aside which is really not an aside but central to good lives for all

is that heaven away from Eaarth is not the goal

nor is a highly fossil energy/matter dependent, high energy- and synthetic-Eaarth

the goal is a neo-Earth of dynamic homeostatic symbioses

including sustainable demes of caring/sharing humans working toward climax ecological communities

collective beauty and happiness in nature [or dynamic homeostatic symbioses] is the desired goal

not individual/selective  “beauty” and “happiness” in the extremely noisy artificial

sustainable happiness is in natural nature, not in artificial chaos)


therefore, i repeat …

The Way is “less is more” toward climax ecological communities



the hard science and rhetoric i heard from and read of:

e.j. dyksterhuis, eugene odum, frederic clements, timothy morton, allan savory, wes jackson, bill mckibben, david pimentel, h.t. odum, vaclav smil, e.f. schumacher, herman daly, jason hickel

were obviously compelling to me during my journey to date here on Eaarth of going on 77 years!!!

pbm 7 S’s / VV->^^

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