amphibians demise in a pot in which conditions for life are … slowly degrading, or … explosively extinguished

it might likely be the combined somewhat subtle, relatively unnoticeable effects …

of loss of topsoil, quality air & water, photosynthesizers & net primary productivity, connected biodiversity loss, and poor capture of daily solar energy

AND associated climate change from recklessness and use, directly & indirctly, of fossil energy for food, fiber, shelter, and stuff, etc. (and amking up for/masking of the aforementioned losses) by the dominant species

it might be the “natural’ and synthetic hormones and other chemicals in the water and food

or a pandemic

or it could be immediate with nuclear blasts

or it might be more “natural” through supervolcanic eruptons, asteroid impacts

other species exist to exist and mostly to exist to maintain the existence of that species

it does disappoint, frustrate, enrage me that it is most likely that “the demise”

will be “anthropocentric actions” … not to exist and maintain quality life for as long as possible …

but rather an arrogant modus operandi focusing on “me’s” rather than profoundly and holistically on “we”

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