Manifest Destiny of Neoliberalism & Growth
Manifested by transnational corporations
Over Nature, Land, the Commons
And as in the past here in “America” and in its Global Empire
The soldiering and Wars that come hand in hand
With a Manifest Destiny of Growth
Buffalo hunters of capitalistic-declared commodities remain
But with an increased appetite of senseless consumerism
And addiction to relentless development
Buffalo hunters brainwashed with a greed for more
Largely through propaganda of the world rulers …
Transnational corporations. …
Maybe … hopefully it is, yes, an Eaarth
Of temporay artificialization and temporary inefficiency
But an Eaarth which is transforming to a neo-Earth?
A neo-Earth which will continue to exist into the distant future?
With what could be characterized to be quality life?
And that quality life would include humans?
… Perhaps??? …
But …