they will never understand me
they haven’t a clue
and perhaps never will
especially those who ban, block, shun, scarlet-letter, burn, trash it, build walls & stretch barbed wire, lock their minds to ecological learning,*…
i will never understand them
and probably never will
and on & on & on & on …
i will struggle hard and perseveringly and “smartly???” for systematic system change toward PEACE*
but great and even little power (local, international, transnational corporate, financial, consumptive, agricultural, energetic, land-holdings, technological, military, religious, cult, mythical, psychological, political, populist, inheritied, scammed … ) is likely to continue to rampantly corrupt!
especially in a chaotic world of eight billion humans and mis- and disinformation (ignorant demos)
with those in power greedily seeking even more power
*Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE
paul bain. in vain
7 S’s / VV->^^