Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE & “Less Is More” … (The Essence of “christian” Humility!)

Dad Alton Martin and his “Less Is More”*-ethos/way-of-life from the Depression … and late 1800s and early 1900s conservation-ethos/way-of-life from “G.I. Bill”-learning immediately after he came home from WW II was what, I think, influenced me the greatest in my personal-ethos/way-of-life (given to me through Dad’s genetics and epigenetic and environmental influences). Moreover, the villages of Devine & Stockdale, Vatican II, the civil rights movements of the 1950s, 60s, 70s, the ecological movements of the 1960s & 70s, the Vietnam War, and close friends who were Latinos (including from Latin America), of African descent, & from other areas of the world … positively modified Dad Alton’s foundation and led to my disdain for the military, a desire to be a pacifist, … and a wish to be profoundly & holistically a humble “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecologist/PEACEmaker” for the long- and short-term.

In reality, perhaps I do not have the genetics, epigenetics, upbringing and learning needed to realize my dream … or rather … I do not have the genetics, epigenetics, upbringing and learning needed to realize my dream.

Nevertheless … I dream!


As I prepare for what has been for a number of years an annual trip to Yellow Bear Canyon, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota to help perform ecological activities with indigenous youth being intellectually & ecologically empowered by the amazing indigenous NGO, Generations Indigenous Ways**, in selecting publications to take along for the trip in a couple of days (this year of 2024), I came across many thought-provoking pieces this June 21st-summer morning (all connected within the arena of socio-ecological justice, or PEACEmaking) …

o “Why War Is Never a Good Idea” by Alice Walker (2007)

o “How to Remain Unconquered. Lessons in Nonviolence from the Danish Resistance to Nazism” by Gerald W. Schlabach (Commonweal, June 2024)

o “On Nuclear Disbelief. ‘Maybe It Just Won’t Happen'”*** by Thomas Powers (Commonweal, June 2024)

o “Photosynthesis. Tilden Lake” a wonderful poem by Jim Powell (Commonweal, June 2024

o “Science in China. Soaring Dragons”**** & “Free Trade. A Peace Offering”**** (The Economist June 15, 2024)

o “Walking” by Henry David Thoreau (first delivered, 1851)

o “Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics” by Reinhold Niebuhr (Cornel West, Foreword) (First edition, 1932)

o “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer (2015)

and many other good articles and books.

I am deeply indebted to these researchers, authors, journalists for helping to inform me of the history, status quo, and possible future for socio-ecological justice, quality life for all biota, a dynamic homeostatic symbioses continuing to include Homo sapiens, and PEACEmaking.

(And now, after have shared these little thoughts from this morning, I will go outside and mow the grass, … something that I also probably do not do so well and perhaps should not even be done!!!)


*Less Is More by Jason Hickel (2020) (“A powerfully disruptive book for disrupted times. Jason Hickel takes all we’ve been told about growth and development and turns it inside out, offering instead a radically possible vision of a post-growth future. If you’re looking for transformative ideas, this book is for you.” — Kate Raworth, economist and author of Doughnut Economics)


***Of course it will, as long as we continue to have nuclear arms! (We certainly do not demonstrate much of a will/critical mass as moral humans in an immoral society to stop our Wars on a dynamic homeostatic symbiosis including humans.)

****John Lewis tried to teach us about “good” trouble. … We also need to learn about doing “good” (or appropriate) science and “good” trade.


7 Ss / VV->^^

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