Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology. Please Learn, Critically Think, and Act!

I’m not a fan of apathy or complacency …

(and perhaps too much “religious prayer & mindless worship of all-powerful Gods, … i.e., traditional Gods & Bible-like books & Constitutions & Laws; Ann Ryn, Trump; neoliberal capitalism, ‘technology’, the stuff/glamour/chewing gums & opiates of the mind/power/fossil energy from transnational corporations, industrial ag, ‘organics’, ‘Holistic Management’; military forces & military leaders; what’s Big & Powerful; …”) …

including in myself.


Pleease …

o respect tradition & Elders, but continually learn scientifically, speak out LOUDLY & CLEARLY, listen & learn scientifically, etc., etc. … from Nature, all biota, the Golden Rule, Natural Law & other Laws, …

o listen less to the powerful, or perceived powerful … including religions, transnational corporations, immoral & unethical politicians, the military, our immoral society, …

o AND act smartly toward “Less Is More” and “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACEmaking” in concert with dynamic homeostatic symbioses (including humans) and with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, the Precautionary Principle, increasing appropriate diversity & quality life & equity for all … and decreasing disparity and socio-ecological destruction.

paul bain martin

7 Ss / VV->^^

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