“Lavandera mala no encuentra jamás buena piedra.
A bad washer doesn’t ever find a good rock.”1
(These bad washers blame the system!)
El sistema smells bad!
The system tastes muy mal.
It feels bad.
The system appears to be …
So sad!!
“Those Illegal Immigrants
who can no longer
be legally held
(Congress must fix the laws and loopholes)
will be,
subject to Homeland Security,
given to Sanctuary
Cities and States!”2
It certainly sounds bad!
Sounds sad!!!
It is sad.
Always has been “bad”.
Still … beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
¡Si se puede!
¡Si nos puedemos!
Swim with.
Swim against.
Swim with and against …
And with.
Antes que te cases,
Mira lo que haces.
Pero …
No confundas hierba con maleza.
Think! Plan!
Y …
¡No recarse la barriga!
Quit scratching your damn belly!
Plunge in and get wet.
Become a part of it all
Swim hard. Fight!
¡Para el mejor!
¡Para los todos!
Los buenos.
Y los malos.
For the better!
For all!
Because you … WE!!! …
WE ARE a part of it all.
1 https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Spanish_proverbs
2 Trump Tweet.
pbm 4/17/2019
[ 7 Ss / VV->^^ ]