Yes!!! … I do focus far too much on ME in ecological community. And I AM a “toxic” pragmatic idealist and pain-in-the-butt, Don Quixote gadfly who is pretty much a utilitarian who strives for sustainable livelihoods across the globe. (Still … though I recognize ugliness & all the terrible violations of the Golden Rule & […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
Hypocrites (Deplorably?) .. and A Pain-in-the-Butt Don Quixote (Also a Deplorable Hypocrite)
First of all I want to go back to the 1980s/90s when I worked in Austin, Texas in various capacities (ultimately as Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator) for wonderful Jim Hightower and his amazing government “bureaucracy”, the Texas Department of Agriculture. After she came to our department as assistant commissioner, Dr. Susan Rieff labeled me as “Don […]
Another of My Stories to Which I Will Mostly Stick
I was, I suppose, “indoctrinated” by real pacifist-christianity, and real caring & real sharing (including therein … learning processes for sustainable livelihoods for all … and staying as much as possible out of the way of Nature, i.e., living in concert with Nature). (In my heart, soul, and mind, I don’t truly believe I was […]
Degrowth Is Absolutely Necessary, Less Is More–Please Hear Us DJT, Trumpians, Trumpsters, Republicans, … Democrats, … ALL!
The five (5) basic real needs for a resilient, sustainable world are!!! … 1. Ecological literacy 2. Deweaponization & demilitarization 3. Degrowth “communitarianism” 4. A local/global sustainable agrarian system 5. Equity …….. ECOLOGICAL LITERACY. Trump & his “groupies” are conning many selfish & ignorant deplorables into believing his current actions will be good for this […]
My “Profound & Holistic” Efforts (Based on Ecological Science) at Keeping the Eye on the Prize in My Journey in a Chaotic Artificial Sea of Humanity & Other Essential Biota
1a.I/we must recognize that we are all connected and that all biota which coevolved with humanity are essential for a truly resilient & sustainable ecological community. Love, and live in concert with, Nature & its essential ecosystem blocks of —top soil & quality air, —quality water, —biodiversity including natural photosynthesizers, and —daily solar energy capture […]
The Trump Pea Versus the paul bain martin pea Under the Mattresses of 2025-Humanity “Princesses”
Deplorable-elected* deplorable Donald John Trump and James David Vance … (& Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, & Miller … in Texas) and deplorable neoliberal capitalists Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos et al. … receive much, much more local/national/international attention than I (truly a U.S. Land Grant System-student “educated” in agricultural entomology, Roman Catholic-raised pig-farmer’s son […]
Pensamentos/”Mysl”/ Thoughts This Morning About the Possibilties of a Humane Humanity
(I apologize for not doing this completely in English, Portuguese, and Spanish … since I have so many dear friends who speak these languages of which I have some practice. Moreover, I have a number of special friends in Poland .. and regret that I am not doing a version in Polish. However, in English […]
december 15, 2024 … today, yesterday, & tomorrow
it was a very good day today of fantastic sights & sounds leaves of beautifully bright yellows on various of grounds sunny and warm and nice but also giving needed rain and pleasantly cool without having to deal with even a bit of cold northern ice some little projects satisfactorily completed holiday season cards to […]
it is “all” okay. but we mostly need more … 1. comprehensive in-depth ecological literacy, 2. deweaponization/demilitarization, 3. degrowth & “less is more”, 4. agrarianism, 5. equity!
it is okay to pray and read the bible and other religious stuff and go to church and travel & hunt for fun and go to taylor swift concerts and attend a professional football game (including current university professional football games) … and buy a useless christmas gift on black friday (“buy nothing day”) … […]