“all together now.” poetry night, seguin, texas, u.s.a. a very lucky, happy july 13, 2023

in deep humility, kindness, and with empathy … and when needed … sympathy equitably, credibly with integrity, helpfully, … generally necessarily messily learn in solidarity toward sustainable livelihoods that are profoundly and holistically good with all who are “de facto ‘quaker’-friends” … and through some real and deep friendship … involved in sustainable unity socio-ecological […]

some “‘sage’ common sense” from a fellow who tries to be a true conserving conservative (& who continually learns through applied ecology). some thoughts transpiring after a close call

a pickup and trailer runs a stop sign in west Seguin and almost runs over me & my bicycle (this type of scary encounter of my harmless light bicycle vs. monstrous automobiles occurs once or twice a year in my current life … after 76-plus years of living and bicycling) then the pickup driver has […]

Life-Long Search for Truth and Socio-Ecological Justice* (paul bain martin) Agricultural Entomologist, Applied Ecologist, Generalist

Born in 1946 after my Marine Dad arrived from the Pacific Theater in the beginning of the neoliberal heyday and boom after World War II … my (paul bain martin’s) Vatican II-period upbringing and the civil rights, ecological, and anti-War movements of the 1960’s and 70’s resulted in a profound and holistic positive-ecological mindset and […]

Pope Francis et al. Laudato Si’ Movement

I, like Pope Francis & all of humanity, am VERY flawed.  But based on 50+ years of experiences in what I now call “positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE,” I do what I believe I can & fervently believe I MUST! for socio-ecological justice. I’m on this Health Care/Earth Care-Webinar with the Laudato Si’ movement now, […]

“Not Good Company and Plastics” and “The Banshees of Inisherin”

“Plastics are on my mind, floods. Any pausein the conversation, I come up with someSorry Business, Aboriginal term for mourning.Doleful, that’s me, no small talk, not unpleasant,but my idea of intimate is apt to be someterrible statistic. I can’t say Susanis feeling better or Eileen’s arm is mendingwithout adding but she has a preexisting conditionor […]

Good but naive Chris, “paul, will Nicaragua ever get its act together?” paul, “The proper question, Chris, is: ‘Will the neoliberal transnational corporate-capitalistic/militaristic U.S. (the most powerful nation on the globe greedily sucking much more than a lion’s share of resources from south of the Tropic of Cancer) ever get its act together?'”

I must “retort” to “ugly” smug, hubristic, “Christian ameericuns” that: o There were the toxic acts of turning-over Nicaraguan anti-enslavement laws and other disruptions of the shenanigans of U.S. imperialist William Walker, and the Filibuster War in 1855 … and other Yankee mischiefs before and after that time. o The U.S.A. used Marine military-invasions and […]

Thoughts On a Summer Sunday in Seguin, Texas … Related to Socio-Ecological Justice, Resilient/Sustainable Ecological Community, Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE

TRULY SEEING THE FORESTS VS. BEING MESMERIZED BY THE TREES. Flimflam artists and hucksters like Trump, Joel Osteen, Musk, Bezos, Greg Abbott … and even relatively honest “knowledgeable” scientific specialists can wrongfully manipulate our individual and collective minds away from the reality of our socio-ecological justice battles … with the diversity of information/misinformation/disinformation and negative […]

The Good … and the Bad and the Ugly. … And the Good!

Good! Yes there are some good people1 in this old world. Yes, good music2 and art does make life worth living. Yes, “I love you grandpa!” from the likes of Owen; the energy and upbeat joy of Amelia, Lane, Landon and all of the grandkids, and their amazing intelligence, are injections of very much good […]