Personal Experience with Scholarships. I did receive a number of small scholarships in 1964 when I graduated from Devine High with the major one being to some extent based on grades …. but it was also a socialistic scholarship addressing the needs of my relatively poor family. This Opportunity Award Scholarship of $550 from Texas […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
Note to a Dear Friend About the Beto-Abbott Race
Dear Reza, I don’t know if I would be considered “by most” to be “christian” or not. And to me it doesn’t matter. But anyway, in a quasi-answer to your question about the Beto-Abbott race today at the Court Street Coffee Shop (in Seguin) … …………………… I do believe Jesus of Nazareth, or the “personificated” […]
The Gist of “Why Anti-Growth?” … Essential Communication & Speaking-Truth-to-the-Power of Destructive-Unnatural High-Energy Input/Throughput Artificial Systems
Seguinite Pat Hoppe … & Arthur Miller’s All My Sons … de facto lack of familial/”community” communication … and the high-inputs of private & militaristic monies and resultant corruption All My Sons opens this weekend at The Texas | Seguin Today C-SPAN’s Discussion of Tocqueville’s insights into (U.S.) democracy and of toxic polarization problems […]
Thoughts from the Past Concerning School Bond Elections and (Local) Sustainable Ecological Community (Quality Life for All for As Long As Possible)
I do hope we will all work hard and smartly … and contribute in every way possible toward “positively ethical applied community ecology*” across curricula & campuses of all human organizational entities. Past letters to editors here in Seguin concerning critical thinking and decision-making with respect to school bond elections: “605 Elm Seguin, TX 78155 […]
To the Loved Ones Who Ban, Build Walls, Shut Out, Judge & Castigate Absolutely, “Communicate” in Convenience …
what is totalitarianism?
shame on me shame on you shame on we shame on me
murders in ukraine all murders recent biden-ordered terribly-artificial murder of zawahiri War terrible sexism in afghanistan socialistic militarism from the u.s. totalitarianism in nicaragua neoliberal capitalism, human- nature-extractive, usury-driven overshot inequity disrespect of teacherspreacherspoliticians(statespersons) elders science humility frugality really humane just humans nature PositivelyEthicalAppliedCommunityEcology/PEACEmakers prevalent ecological ignorance trump orban jung-un putin … pbm 7 S’s […]
self (essence of selfish)
yes i love americana music & poetry & tunes in general especially the chirping singing of a bird or a cricket, wildflowers insects nature, water sunshine topsoil “tomatoes on vine” a diverse ecological community especially climax any simple piece of organic art, humble earthly smart engaged people, grandkids the innocence of children or a youthful […]
Ecological Succession, r and K Species, and Degrowth (Presentation to Local Governmental Entities in Seguin, Texas)
I’ll try to make this very short.* This week’s presentation on degrowth and ecological principles and processes, one of the approximately last five I intend to make, will consist of only a few minutes-dosage from the holy & great (pragmatic) idealist (yours truly) who knows ALL of the consequences of the current course & actions […]
“Sex,” “myths,” and Ecological Diversity & Complexity
Below are simply some weak “pbm-thoughts” which were pinging around in this empty brain this morn (8/4/2022) while attempting to confront the 2nd Law of TD in organizing stuff & clutter in our abode, and after seeing this TED talk:…/emily_quinn_the_way_we_think… . (I must inject here that I can be very callous & tough when attempting […]