A Partido Obvio … obviamente pacificadores ecológicos Aprendizado contínuo, pensamento crítico/ tomada de decisão em direção a uma neo-Terra (Até que façamos, … a medida inapropiada do PODER em direção ao BOM é a hipocripto-moeda) ……………………. A Partido Obvio … obviamente Não “direita”, esquerda, centro; em cima, em baixo; ou no espaço sideral ……….. Apenas […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
ian bain, william, abby, catherine, and jeremias et al.
i know i could learn from you! and probably you could learn from me? and together we would change the world! maybe even for the better!??! ……………………………. Wendell Berry’s … “’Think Little,’ announced, ‘Nearly every one of us, nearly every day of his life, is contributing directly to the ruin of this planet.’ Berry went on […]
just dabbling and trying to sort some of it out
o limits & carrying capacities daily solar energy & ecologically-destructive fossil solar energy which runs current Eaarth (and in the case of fossil energy, ruins Earth) the second law of thermodynamics destruction of life-dependent topsoil & good-quality air, quality water, photosynthesizers, healthy ecosystem biodiversity overshoot o a few cells attempting to begin to get a […]
why do i write?
why do i write? small, simple, savvy, steadfast, sharing, sustainable dad alton martin who was partially a Nite … with his lists which could bite … with well-written letters honed during the ww II pacific fight and high school english teacher ruth allen … so very bright then drs. dick ridgway, pete lingren, miguel altieri […]
Pains in Head, My Heart, My Whole Body, My Soul. The Gobbledygook of Immoral Man and Immoral Society
Putin and Trump & Melania stirred up the words written below on the morning of March 22, 2022 Do they worry much about anyone or anything other than themselves? I think not! And Zelenskyy and Biden & Jill? Most certainly!! ……………………. Putin e Trump & Melania agitaram as palavras escritas abaixo na manhã de 22 […]
beauty / beleza / belleza
beauty??? …………… a lover’s smile (betsy’s) an intelligent, confident woman’s attractive aura, jeito, feel, cheiro Truth like that of Fannie Lou Hamer, Thoreau, Martin L. King. Jr., Wendell Berry, Eduardo Galeano, Paulo Freire, Octavio Paz “Less Is More,” equity stories from innocent young bocas (three-year-old Amelia, six-year-old Joao Gabriel, nine-year-old Owen, …) Edwards’ It’s All In […]
artificial clutter vs. dynamic homeostatic symbioses & knowledge/wisdom/prudence
OF COURSE!!! i get trapped in the mess of … neoliberal capitalism and the sucking of energy & resources from the poor & relatively “powerless” & enslaved, disenfranchised-“political”-units of biotic systems … mostly in the South consumerism & materialism, glamour, and “More Is More” (addicted to destructive extraction for input/throughput/destructive outputs of rampant artificialization) militarism & policing & […]
bless me father (mother, others) for i have sinned
(one of my dearest & favorite biotic individuals accused me once of keeping some deep dark secrets nevertheless, i dont try very much and for the most part au contraire i do know that i do wear a bit too much on my sleeve now please indulge me, tolerate me, and what […]
just doing some venting
(confused–being perplexed or disconcerted. Merriam-Webster spiritual enlightenment–“self-realization,” etc., etc. humility—my god is a prokaryote. Also, being a humble christian rather than a Christian! of knowing hubris.) confused? yes! (i’ve done a little bit of studying of philosophy and religion/the humanities; psychology.) confused? that’s the human condition? confused? some who supposedly loved him, thought […]