(paul bain martin’s simplistic mental play: thoughts on why “god” mostly seems to be human and not of any of the other taxa) i am certain it is mostly mystery and certainly not a biblical certainty or a current norm of: human, male, white, autocratic, … earlier, and later, it was and is pantheism […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
you’re a/the “same bain” (yes, i have a brain and do realize i share, genetically & environmentally, much of the blame)
shunned by a son who is fading out in my setting sun … shutting another out (i’m stunned) with little to no attempt to respect, communicate, express regret, or show gratitude such a callous, cowardly, unadmirable, diseased trait (weeellll … probably laziness!! & lack of savvy!) nevertheless change can happen and would be immediately […]
dynamic homeostatic symbioses including homo sapiens. a life of go(o)d
life is pleasant and pleasing generous, glorious “blessed,” beatified (it is so wonderful! … life) but if we of the homo colossus placate through arrogant power, wealth, capitalism, money, and stuff (military, an over-abundance of inappropriate technology, & War) if we ignore robert jensen’s call for intelligent anguish, robust informed argument, and critical […]
Hell to the Haves, Power to the nots
throughout most of my life i have always had a propensity to give the Haves Hell year-round … and including self-deprecation … and especially to those of a or The Klan, arrogant aahmeericans, the Blessed, Christians (with the big “C”) multimillionaires, the lorded landed, wealthy bankers, lawyers, big businessmen, doctors, politicians … preachers … ESPECIALLY […]
Three Poems I Submitted to: Poets For Human Rights/Poets Without Borders Annual Awards Event (with the Amazingly Good Poetry Which Received Awards … at poetswithoutborders.org ) pbm
poetswithoutborders.org moral humans, moral society, and ecological community. negative approaches to human rights and responsibility less is more! it is a profound and holistic approach to human ecological rights for individuals, societies, and ecological communities just say no is your right, your responsibility! forget about nancy reagan for now goal-set; strategically […]
There Are Some Pretty Good People, Even Under the Steeples … and Some True Beauty … on This Ol’ Sick-Berth of an Eaarth
pablo … don’t always try and get into a fight You’re not always right When you write Think something of delight/something “out of sight!” Before you go to bed this night There’s really no dearth Of mirth On this Eaarth And some say late in the year is the time of Jesus of Nazareth’s […]
Deathly Crazy
Deathly crazy! We are all more or less deathly crazy Some and sometimes much more than others But always deathly crazy (This COULD change???) Lack of sharing Too little caring … Too much complacency, apathy, self-induced ignorance, de facto rotten immorality Poverty; slums, favelas, ghettos, shanty towns; starvation, death??? Out of sight, out […]
Rough Ideas for 2-wks & 1-month of Travel in Brasil, January & February, 2022 paul & Betsy Martin (Idéias básicas para um mês de viagem no Brasil, janeiro e fevereiro de 2022)
16h45 13 de janeiro Chegada RIO (Viagem a Ouro Preto por um dia) 13-19 (Visite amigos no Rio) 19 de janeiro para São Paulo 20-22 (Visite os Mustafas) [23 de janeiro Betsy volta ao Rio e deixará o Rio às 22h25, 26 de janeiro] 23 de janeiro paul para Novo Hamburgo 24-25 (Visite Alvaro Kessler, […]
Bicycling In Hypocrisy
we humans are all so very hypocritical (including, especially, … me, myself, & i) the plethora of ads for MORE, MORE, MORE tell me we are entering into the season of peace on eaarth and good will … while we allow a lion’s share of resources to go to War and/or preparation for War […]