1.We live on a globalized Eaarth seriously infected with the propaganda and political power of transnational corporations and neoliberal capitalism … and indoctrinated with greed and a clutter of meaningless stuff, … AND a lack of solidarity and an ethic of reciprocity & adherence to the Precautionary Principle. There is an imbalance of […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
a plan (of a determined grandpa of a man, who is under a ban)
the plan was to develop disdain … in his grandkids … for rampant artificialization, stuff, cars, plastics, large air-conditioned homes, agrilogistics, exotic imported foods, too much order, … fossil material/energy, Neoliberal Capitalism borne of genocide, slavery, socio-ecological injustice and destruction, and usury … and militarism and War. they would understand disparity, biocapacity, carrying capacity, […]
Meanings of Life
my god/good is dynamic homeostatic symbioses* including quality life for humans and other species. do i believe in your god? (power? capitalism? the almighty buck? stuff? … Trump? … biblical? quranic? a mystery?) probably not!!! but i don’t know! explain your god/good to me. let’s communicate on your take on all this. what is […]
Support of Trump???????????????????????????????????????
(20+) Facebook We are very ignorant … even when collective knowledge is considered. And of course some are considerably more ignorant than others. Because of this ignorance … and arrogance … (and related & unrelated reasons), maintenance of some semblance of homeostatic symbioses including humans is very messy. Therefore, yes, I do […]
The Beauty of Cultural Gifts from Latinx
I do realize that I am not really prudently secretive/closed-mouth enough to meet “accepted norms” and do share too much about my life; however, for me this video* (* https://youtu.be/xzr4PMJYH54 ) with Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Brown, et al. made aware to me by Dr. Darryl Birkenfeld, was tearfully powerful and culturally enriching. And it pulled out many […]
decency … (and indecency) … can mean many things nevertheless it would be good if all made some real attempt to be decent–in its varied meanings–to others the effort of decency might be a long and deeply invested conversation and pursuant actions of empathy or … simply a short visit, phone call, or card–any […]
poverty???? ¿¿¿¿pobreza???? poverty???? ¿¿¿¿pobreza???? poverty???? poverty! ¡pobreza! a lack of … especially a void in kindness and humility; a void in “good power facilitating ‘good trouble’” humanity’s lack of wisdom, knowledge, prudence, empathy, sharing, solidarity, Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE*, … and peace a lack of equity too little equality real poverty! ¡pobreza […]
Global (LOCAL) Mind Expansion1
Pi?kny Bonitinha!!! Saudades Pendejo Dynamic homeostatic symbioses2,3 Words I love Mississippi sharecropper’s son, old friend Dr. Joe Lewis In my circle of life, Mr. Semiochemical4 … stresses a need For a new science-/sustainable community-based natural language For all to use effortlessly, effectively, Justly, humanely, ecologically, … PEACEfully5 I agree (and generally feel we […]
Pandora’s Box (We Must Put It Back In and Seal It!) … and Don Quixotes (Because We Can Not!!)*
eight to ten billion humans walls, luxurious gated fortresses of castle-like “homes”, bubbles overshoot & disparity agrilogistics/industrial ag fossil energy/materials anthropogenic climate change nuclear arms, (assault) weapons plastic** automobiles prevalence of artificialization, “noise”, stuff, clutter, trash, pollution War COMPLEXLY, STUBBORNLY OPEN PANDORA’S BOX prayer most recycling letters to governmental reps hopelessly bought with […]