l’m not blank … Just dark and dank … Least that’s what I “thank.” Maybe there’s some good in the tank? But up until now I “thank” … What has come out so very, very earnestly … seems to have stank. Into the noisy chaotic dark abyss … which stinks … this day I sank Into the dark […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
a peaceful summer of watermelons, grandma, and story, 1959
It was a summer of pitching hundreds, thousands! of BIG! melons around wilson county sweaty, muscle-soring, tiring work with black folk Bobby Ray Williams and Charlie Brown work- and life-experienced but very playful … and so much fun! we slammed our fists into many of the perfectly-ripe red-meated berries and partook of the delicious aroma, […]
“I Shall Gather Up by Athey Thompson I shall Gather up All the lost souls That wander this earth All the ones that are alone All the ones that are broken All the ones that never really fitted in I shall gather them all up And together we shall find our home” 1.Guadalupe, Comal […]
Omne Trium Perfectum!
Unus. Humans living 1. sabiamente, 2. simply, 3. slowly Duo. In accordance with 1. laws of limits, 2. the second law of thermodynamics, and 3. the precautionarly principle, and Tres. True to a golden rule of 1. solidarity, 2. of caring, 3. of sharing or Unus. Dynamic slow “boiling” of homeostatic symbioses Duo. Sytematic global erosion of a […]
a deep weary ache for a neo-earth. eaarth in an anthropocene of 7.8 billion humans, (a prevalence of wonderful capitalism world-wide), over-shoot and severe disparity
i so want to leave this world not this world but THIS world come on dear let us travel far and reach a world with no guns or nuclear arms a world void of righteous hate void of rampant destruction of homeostatic symbioses one where black lives young black lives poor young black lives and […]
Fifty Years of Strife in the Life of the Wife of a Wannabe Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecologist/PEACEmaker
bets’ knew not paul’s swamp then. … let be nature’s control now! … ban guns, cars, … us ……………….. pbm ( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )
BAN PLASTICS! … and more.
*** Sent out last night, 4/18/2021– Dear Seguin Gazette & KWED SeguinToday, I’m getting pretty fed up with all the disposable plastic bags (or the people using them) I see go out of HEB … and I am sick of all these terrible mass shootings in our “wonderful” country. (And yes, they are both serious socio-ecological issues.) […]
St. Philip’s College Earth Day Webinar 2021
(https://alamo.zoom.us/rec/share/FnRcyDfvrx4HxMo3ir6VIxA_Hd_Jhy9oW72MZQWyQUN2jML2DxADd3qrGPEJ-Sv_.ZwexkNEU1vQBv3JI?startTime=1617375618000)* St. Philip’s College will be taking these materials for “saving the Earth”, tidying them up and making them more succinct, attractive, and digestible … and releasing them via various media vehicles during Earth Day Week, 2021. Biography of Presenter paul bain martin. The highest hopes for keynote webinar presenter, paul bain martin, on Earth Day, […]
Things I WAS Able to Say at Mom’s Funeral Service!!! (i.e., mais ou menos) … Obrigado! ¡Gracias! Dziękuję.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. … Thank you all! ……………………… I have had a relatively easy life. Early on … very early on … Uncle Peggy provided me plenty of work & later he started me toward a sustainable livelihood in ecology. Daddy gave me some discipline & my siblings were supportive, but certainly […]