we must change the village nevertheless this village in a crazy human economy in this twenty-first century ce is truly a global village therefore much of our/my rhetoric about pathways to saving the world is puro bs pbm ( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
one life (continuing self-analysis influenced by dynamic, homeostatic???, symbioses)
NEVER satisfied but steadily happy pushing responsibility toward others mostly dreaming and piddling pbm 12/3/2020 ( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )
“Waste no food, water, electricity, fuel, living space, or clothes!”, small is beautiful, prosperous way down, steady-state economics, and less is more*
our real problems are systemic it takes a village however, the root problem is the village the village must change WE, the village, must change the village we must change w Solidarno?ci, ¡Si! ¡Se puede! …………………… *From Dad Alton Martin, E.F. Schumacher, Howard T. Odum, Herman Daly, and Jason Hickel. pbm ( 7 S’s […]
Born to Run (Saudades)
Running barefoot up the deep sands Of the oat-planted hill owned by Uncle Peggy In the cool days of the autumns Of the 1950’s and early 60’s Thinking I’m a speedy gazelle, but de facto A young beast of a boy lumbering In the extremely loose soil just east of Devine. First place in […]
Hydrogen-Bonded, Life-Giving Moisture (I Grew Up in Elmer Kelton’s* Time It Never Rained and Do Appreciate Mni!)
Drop, drop; drip, drip. RAIN!!! A life-enhancing process. This slow, soaking gain. ………………….. *The Time It Never Rained | Texas Standard pbm 11/28/20 ( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )
Nirvana for All
can we achieve providence, heaven, nirvana? sure! but a desired providence or heaven is best expressed and realized as nirvana and nirvana must always include a striving for nirvana for all including other species greed for energy and rampant energy transformation through excessive destruction of daily photosynthate, use of slaves, employment of fossil […]
Nature, Minha Família
My family Is dynamic homeostatic symbioses With an emphasis on HOMEOSTATIC. A homeostasis which realizes A robust and dignified Quality life … And death* … For all of Homo sapiens And individuals of many, many, many other species. …………………. *Dr. Cornel West, Harvard University, says that the most important thing for his students to learn is […]
paul’s Attempts at Haiku
A nice example: A World of Dew by Kobayashi Issa A world of dew And within every dewdrop A world of struggle ******************************* November 24, 2020. South Central Texas Hard Truths … and Beauty to Please Drought is here to stay Some say on this fine fall day In which cool mists tease. […]
Hope? (November 7, 2020)
We can have some real hope For young ones and those to come … When we baptize them And cleanse them of our original sins, Sins against indigenous peoples and slaves, Sins against those of color … When we baptize them with robust local and global Affirmative action and reparations, When we throw […]