I do realize my mental capacities, knowledge, and energies are limited and that I am extremely insignificant. Nevertheless, I am secure and crazy enough to be willing to debate anyone from Stephen Miller to Dan Patrick to Don Keil (our Seguin Mayor) concerning local to global goals, plans, policy, actions, and sustainability assessments IF the […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
the world is sort of squirrelly from a sane human’s point of view. yes, some sane humans might actually exist. personally, if i weren’t truly crazy, this miserable world would drive me totally insane. … (yep, i did steal this from the Littlefield, Texas boy who survived the day the music died.) have you […]
Earth’s Biomes. Quality Life Which is Threatened by Anthropogenic Changes in Climate
The Earth’s deserts are wonderfully dry. Tropical rain forests are lush and wet. A must to visit but you’ll boil or fry. Many species in both are under threat. Homo sapheads has done little good yet. Temperate forests are lovely and green. Look down from the mountain and see their sheen. Tundra in the […]
Life Is But a Game
Life is a SERIOUS game for self, family, deme, population, species, community, watershed, ecosystem, biosphere, Earth (and probably other “earths”). This is so whether it is with or without Muhammed, Aristotle, Jesus of Nazareth, Rumi, Adam Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Karl Marx, Hitler, Greta Thunberg, or Trump. Nevertheless, it is ONLY a game. […]
Sin, Original Sin and Slave Justice, Corona Justice, and Just Just Liberals1 (Also Do Numbers Matter?)
i feel compelled to discipline myself a bit and get some righteous thoughts up into the cloud and down on paper. nevertheless, i am not so disciplined as to complete this task in compliance with the structured form of the assignment this week from Creekside Poets, which was ten lines, ten syllables per lines, […]
September 15, 2020. Coach Frank Wood Died Today
Coach Frank Wood died today, One of many friends in our adopted hometown of Seguin Who sorrowfully are passing with increasing frequency. Frank needed me at times For companionship at a meal, To use our computer, or a ride. My needs include companionship And Coach Frank provided it And exercise and zeal Through his […]
faith, hope, and love
good diversity, good natural dynamism is the beauty of our world. it is what i truly love. i become warm and pacific when discovering some thing new and virtuous, which truly is always elderly and was always there. innocently true beauty and innocently true love, always old and ubiquitous, but hidden for new […]
VOTE BIDEN-HARRIS. o I’ve been frustrated & angry about local & global social injustice ever since we had some agitating discussions w/ a nun in a 7th-grade Catholic catechism class in Devine, TX in the 1950s. But never like now. … I feel a shame & a dirtiness that we elected Trump & enabled Trump […]
Murky Truths
“How dare anyone cause harm to another soul, curtail their life or life’s potential, when our lives are so short to begin with?” From Caste. The Origins of Our Discontent by Isabel Wilkerson Skin colors Sexual orientations Cliques Cults Religions Class CASTES Tribes Nations Cultures Races1 It is “near impossible” to list all […]