one brown one through some privilege … and tooth and nail … had clawed his way to a huge cigar and a mighty-big-car chevrolet-dealership (my dad and i and many others admired respected loved George Fernández) but for the most part the browns and blacks were still clawing to survive at st. joseph’s in the […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
we need to find a cure for our illness* (there’s a lot of work out there to do!)
MAKE MYSELF GREAT! MAKE MY TRIBE GREAT!! MAKE MY NATION GREAT!!! MAKE WHITE NATIONALISM GREAT!!!! MAKE AMERICA (you know the REAL AMERICA not … shithole central “america” or shithole south “america” or shithole mexico not … those … indigenous those … blacks, browns, and yellows) MAKE AMERICA GREAT!!!!! i am sick we are all very […]
“Poems” Generated During a Bicycle Ride, May 26, 2020*
Creekside Pressure they all write and read so well and I sound like hell when they ring the bell mine will never sell perhaps I’ll just go it and fail with the one about a farmer and a dell anyway … I’ll TRY! … and smell out a good tale. ………………….. Checkmate … Or Check […]
Memorial Day, 2020 …………………… My Dad Luther Alton Martin was a good and admirable man of whom I am proud. Uncle Oscar Bain Martin who I only know through stories–mostly from my Grandma Eva Martin and cousin Wanda Jo Dinklage–and letters he wrote, died a young man of integrity and virtue of whom I am also proud […]
paul’s “axioms”, etc.
Almost every morning as I read the newspaper and listen to the news, my mind begins to attempt to deal with at least some of the “axioms, principles, doctrines” in the “poem” below. And perhaps on too many occasions—like today–I feel I’ve just gotta get the thoughts down and “digitized” before doing something more substantial […]
Feeling Romantic in Rio’s Natureza
Wonderful plant species with Latin names which I enjoyed while walking the fence line after recent rains on sixty-acres in sunny Rio Medina, Texas, May 19, 2020 Prosopis glandulosa Opuntia lindheimeri Stipa leucotricha Ratibida columnifera Aloysia gratissima Vachellia rigidula Cynodon dactylon Diospyros texana Smilax bona-nox Asclepias texana Schizachyrium scoparium Bouteloua curtipendula Quercus fusiformis Mahonia trifoliolata […]
Virtual Creekside
Virtual creekside? Creekside virtual? Creekside virtue?? …………………….. Zoom! Boom! No gloom in my room! Think I’m gonna swoon!! With whom? Seguin Creekside Poets are coming! Via Zoom. … They always bloom!! Maybe I’ll croon? “ … now Rocky Raccoon, He fell back in his room Only to find Gideon’s bible. Gideon checked out, And he […]
Building on Matador Solidarity … and on Respect for Self & Community
“… teachers are really proving that they ARE the backbone of education now and always have been, not legislators or standardized testing development companies. They are creating their lessons plans, staying in contact with students, informing parents, and encouraging both while taking care of the needs of their own children and homes. They are indeed […]
Meaning of/in (human) Life/Nature.
I suppose I have to have hope in humanity (i.e., in its quest for scientific knowledge, humility, empathy, compassion, respect, discipline & integrity, and in its capacity for Truth & Prudence) … and hope for quality life for all!!??!! “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology-PEACE” across curricula & campuses (EACC), of all human organizational entities, will […]