Games We Humans Play

Revision for the Introduction to Games We Play, a little heavily-illustrated book on applied ecology for kids from 12 to 120 years of age: The basics of this little book are: 1.Through more than fifty illustrations herein we hope to elicit more movement toward communicating, researching, and critically thinking about living collectively as true lovers […]


Little Book on Applied Ecology: Draft of a “Glossary”: The little bird we have on most pages will say on the first page of the glossary: “This might be the most important section of this ‘Little Book’!  Por favor, study it!” ********************************************************************* Glossary (of terms as used in this “Little Book”): ………………………………………………………………. Agroecology (hopefully Appropriately […]

Social Ecology

Social Ecology: Society-Nature Relations Across Time and Space (I’m beginning to read this wonderful book of Helmut et al.!:     To begin to attain some semblance of holistic and sustainable local & global community health, we must recognize there are limits to the natural resource base here on Earth and to the amount […]


Little Book on Applied Ecology: Appendix II. Some Possible Readings for More Depth in “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE”: *Altieri, Miguel.  1989.  Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture.  A more sustainable food system which is much more in concert with Nature and ethical science than industrial agriculture. Armstrong, Karen.  1993.  A History of God.  […]

Sustainable Livelihoods

Little Book on Applied Ecology/PEACE: Appendix I. SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS: ************************************************************** Appendix I.  SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS by paul bain martin “All education is environmental education.” David Orr, Ecologist, Oberlin College …………………………………… Background. The real crisis in the world is not in the financial economy and its current state, … but rather, the crises in Nature’s economy [severe […]

All Screwed Up

Little Book on Applied Ecology/PEACE: “Poem” To Be Placed in Between the Text & Appendices: Enrolada* by paul bain martin (Jan 2007) ………………………………………. Depression and Pinchot-wired parents taught us to conserve. 2007 Chosen People-fundamentalist preachers impel us to grab and rule the all that WE MOST CERTAINLY deserve.   Humility, frugality used to be preached in […]

Are You Listening Donald Trump? How About the Rest of the Eaarth??

Little Book on Applied Ecology/PEACE: WHY? WE ARE DEVELOPING THIS BOOK! (The “Introduction”): PLEA FOR POSITIVELY ETHICAL APPLIED COMMUNITY ECOLOGY / PEACE TO DONALD TRUMP ET AL. (WITH A LETTER TO THE POTUS). (All of us can and should send similar letters to our elected and appointed representatives and demand assistance from the top, and […]