
Hola. Soy pablo martin. My life has been based upon advocating for, promoting, and working toward regeneration & conservation of resilient, sustainable community. I believe that practicing sustainability in our day-to-day lives is vital to our human existence. I invite you to join me as I embark in this once-in-a-lifetime journey. Follow me as I travel over 2,200 […]

What’s Left?

Senator Bernie Sanders is about what is right! And what is right is possible given a system which educates ecologically and practices the principle of reciprocity.  …  Bernie is human, but still  … He is about what is right! …………………………………………. Hillary and John [Kasich] are too much about what is perceived–in this time–as possible.  They […]

Living an Ethic of Reciprocity (Simple/Slow/Small) from This First Day Until the Last of Our Days

Happy New Year to all! Feliz Ano Novo!!!! Feliz año nuevo. Szcz??liwego Nowego Roku. ********************************** Eduardo Galeano’s Children of the Days for 12/31 & 1/1: [The first of two of Galeano’s inspirations, herein below this introduction of mine, seems like a good one for those who are in the health care field. … However, “Give […]

“Simple” “Solution”

“The” solution is “simple”. Live simple, small, slow*. … But the insurmountable challenge can be basically stated as two/“too!!”: 1. There are too many people living with too much and too very many living with much too little. And there isn’t enough to go around. 2. Ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, energetics; psychological, socio-political, and economic aspects […]

Some Alton and Louise Martin Family Christmas Stories (ca. 1946-66 and beyond) by paul b. martin, 69 yrs-young, oldest of 6 brothers & sister

As with members of many families and communities I suppose, I do not believe the odds are that I could have been raised in a much better family or community than the Alton & Louise Martin family and Devine, Texas. And life was particularly sweet around Christmas time!! (It wasn’t perfect and could have been […]

Live Like the Poor: Pact of the Catacombs, the Meaning of Human Existence, Technology, Frost’s The Road Not Taken, and Truth*

My original idea for this blog site was to do very short, succinct and light, but thought-provoking, stories based on “facts” with links to substantive scientific knowledge, and with illustrations by my more artistic wife. With help perhaps I will eventually get there before I pass. If I had been born with a silver spoon […]

Concrete and Greens: Viewed in the Bus Station MCDonald’s in Downtown Dallas

Baby spinach from El Valle Central. What tries to pass for bacon from imprisoned animal intellects of Carolina. A bit of reconstituted poultry from Georgia. Way too much plastic from the Saudis. Maybe more than 30 kilocalories invested for less that one ingested. Even less digested. (And metabolized???) Un poco de vitaminas y minerales. ¡Pero […]

Chula Ya Era/Belleza del Pasado: Observations Near the Greyhound Bus Station in Big D, 2015

She was a pachuca, a chola. Young living at a fast pace; wild, wicked, reckless. Cruces on her hands and tattoos up her limbs. … But the wine and dope and years wore her down. Now she is truly lost. La belleza que era aimlessly wanders the downtown parks of this bustling business town. La […]