In the beginning there was Nature*. With the addition of humans, we added the Land** and the Commons*** and Artificial****. After agriculture ten thousand years ago (see the previous post/reflection), then with industrialization a few hundred years ago, and now with the electronic/information age … humans have become the dominant species and have begun […]
Author Archives: paulpeaceparables
Human Error Some of what is outlined in Jared Diamond’s “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race” has been seriously challenged. However, his opening statement rings true, i.e., “To science we owe dramatic changes in our smug self-image.” Agriculture has contributed–at least at times and in places—to: • social and gender inequality, • […]
Recognizing Limits [] If there is one author our young and old youth should read, it is Stanford University graduate/Wallace Stegner-Writing-Fellow/farmer, Wendell Berry. One of my favorite quotes of his (which I plan to have on my simple flat tombstone) is: To live, we must daily break the body and shed the blood of Creation. […]
Reflections on Some Writings Which Might Help Generate Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecologists What is education for? As suggested in a previous blog post herein, I would apply the key points of this wonderful essay by David Orr–which deals with ecology* across curricula and campuses, i.e., ecological literacyto all campuses of schools, businesses and other institutions and organizations, and to all homes and communities. Abide by […]
Ecological Principles and Processes? Ecological principles and processes, and critical thinking and appropriate actions?? … Read “The Lorax”. And take heed. But after this, continue to learn about the need to live in concert with Nature. Learn from her in all her simplicity and complexity. First and foremost, always and everywhere study and view life through lens of: […]
“So Pávlos, you truly believe it is that simple? Just get consumption and power of the haves down to about 60,000 kilocalories per capita per day and an ecological footprint of two (2) hectares and transfer that power such that the have-nots attain that approximate amount. And you believe those levels will take enough pressure […]
Work in Progress (No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace.)
I’ll work on doing a better job of communicating herein. Plans are for very short stories of efforts toward quality life these past 71+ years, and to try to support development of what–in the “recent” past–I started calling positively ethical applied community ecology (or regeneration and conservation of resilient, sustainable community). I’ll work at being […]