War & Penance by Philip G. Porter (Commonweal, January 2022) … sent to me by an angel from heaven, Dr. Darryl Birkenfield

  War & Penance | Commonweal Magazine “A parish with veterans who have recently returned from war might take the opportunity to join them in penance, to recognize a shared culpability, to ‘bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ’ (Galatians 6:2). This would be far more appropriate—and surely far more pleasing […]

“Diagnosing him as such [Putin as a madman] assumes that sanity is the normative state of people … “

“Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.” “Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.” “Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.” “Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative […]

meaning in life. what keeps me going.

my dearest friend, lover, mother of our children, wife … Betsy, Elizabeth Florence Hoffmann Martin! true friends and family, netos!!! who communicate! …  Alvaro, Miguelito, Anchieta, Helene, Marvel, Peggy, Darryl, Nathan, Gloria, Hilario, John, and many others! the beauty of the waters, the landscape, the sky, the biota, the people of south central texas  … […]


“My own concern is primarily the terror and violence carried out by my own state, for two reasons. For one thing, because it happens to be the larger component of international violence. But also for a much more important reason than that; namely, I can do something about it. So even if the U.S. was […]

frustrating impossibilities … and possibilities

this terrible War in Ukraine (perhaps Veterans for Peace can help in a very significant way?) insane numbers of nuclear and other arms (there is a major effort to rectify this from the Veterans for Peace) worship at the altar of growth, addiction to fossil energy, and global climate change (again, perhaps Veterans for Peace […]

eu falo besteira / i do a lot of bsing*

camisetas em desenvolvimento, paul e Miguel: …… eu falo besteira. a regra de ouro pacifismo “Menos é Mais” empatia compartilhamento natureza sobre a artificialização ……………….. mas essa besteira … “PEACE” ou “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology” … é Verdade! *************************** t-shirts in development, paul and Miguel: …….. i talk nonsense the golden rule pacifism “Less […]

A Partido Obvio (A T-Shirt Idea Spurred by My Dear Friend Miguel Rezende da Silva)*

A Partido Obvio … obviamente pacificadores ecológicos Aprendizado contínuo, pensamento crítico/ tomada de decisão em direção a uma neo-Terra (Até que façamos, … a medida inapropiada do PODER em direção ao BOM é a hipocripto-moeda) ……………………. A Partido Obvio … obviamente Não “direita”, esquerda, centro; em cima, em baixo; ou no espaço sideral ……….. Apenas […]

ian bain, william, abby, catherine, and jeremias et al.

i know i could learn from you! and probably you could learn from me?   and together we would change the world! maybe even for the better!??! ……………………………. Wendell Berry’s … “’Think Little,’ announced, ‘Nearly every one of us, nearly every day of his life, is contributing directly to the ruin of this planet.’ Berry went on […]