Agrilogistics, Global Climate Change, and Binge-Watching Netflix

Agrilogistics*–“It’s an agricultural program that has been running without much change–only upgrades to more intense versions of itself–since about 10,000BC, when it began at the start of the (warmer) Holocene. The basic elements of the program are: settle down (stop hunter-gathering), farm grains. There is an implicit logic to this program. Sometimes it’s directly stated, […]

Trump, a Cocky & Morally Corrupt Hustler/Huckster (Recurring Thoughts After Another Day of Humptian-Dumptian / Trumpian News)

I believe we all Need to hustle. It’s an aspect of that Which gives meaning to life. And I do admire Many, many successful hustlers Here on this Eaarth … Some who are young; Some who are old. …………………. But this Trump guy is a “SORRY-ASS hustler”. He’s “bad to the bone” In the most […]


Thoughtways. Ethos? Hopefully not Groupthink? Perhaps some Critical Thinking?? Paths in the Savanna … Leading to a warmed (but doomed) Northwest Passage. It’s all about inputs/throughputs/… And especially outputs, About energetics And embodied human appropriated net primary productivity. (Life, thoughts? Dynamic homeostatic symbioses? They are matter Organized with inputs Of free available energy.) And critical […]

El Mejor Nadador Es del Agua. ¡Si Nos Puedemos!

“Lavandera mala no encuentra jamás buena piedra. A bad washer doesn’t ever find a good rock.”1 (These bad washers blame the system!) ……………………… El sistema smells bad! The system tastes muy mal. It feels bad. The system appears to be … So sad!! ……….. “Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress […]

Eaarth; The End of Ice, …1 After viewing this ca. hour-long YouTube presentation by Dahr Jamail this morning, I felt strongly that I had to share it via email, , and before tackling other matters I had planned for this terça-feira, March 20, 2019. Dahr’s talk is very powerful for many reasons in terms of discussion of the […]